Monday, January 2, 2017

Mount Bandarpunch

Mount Bandarpunch, as seen from Kanatal, Uttarakhand.
(November 2015) PC - Shailesh V.

Bandarpunch is a mountain massif of the Garhwal division of the Himalayas, in the Indian state of Uttarakhand. Widely known as Bandarpoonch, which literally means "Tail of the monkey". This is a reference to Hanuman, the monkey god and mighty warrior, who went to its summit to extinguish his tail when it caught fire in the battle alongside King Rama to rescue the Princes Sita from the evil forces of the demon Ravana in Lanka. Bandarpoonch massif has 3 peaks. To the west above Yamnotri is White Peak (6102 m). Almost 5 km east is Bandarpoonch Peak (6316 m) and about 4 km to the north-east of that is Kalanag (6387 m) lit. black serpent, commonly known as Black Peak.

#india #uttarakhand #nature #mountains #bharat #hindustan

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